all concerts/music for free improvisation.
suggested admission between 1,000 to 3,000yen.


1 August (thu) 8pm trio
Alexandra Grimal [sax]
秋山徹次 Tetuzi Akiyama [guitar]
中村としまる Toshimaru Nakamura [no input mixing board]

2 August (fri) 8pm trio
今井和雄 [electric guitar]
堺原拓人 Takuto Sakaibara [sax]
野本直輝 Naoki Nomoto [computer]

3 August (sat) 8pm duos
1st set
Anaïs del Sordo [voice]
Marco Fiorini [electric guitar, Somax2 generative electronics]
2nd set
Turner Williams Jr [Shaahi baaja]
Rob Noyes [12 strings acoustic guitar]

5 August (mon) 8pm duo
Howie Reeve [electric bass,voice]
秋山徹次 Tetuzi Akiyama [guitar]

10 August (sat) 8pm trio Canceled
吉濱翔 Syo Yoshihama [electronics]
住倉カオス Kaoss Sumikura [guitar]
石原岳 Takeshi Ishihara [guitar, electronics]

17 August (sat) 7:30pm duo
森重靖宗 Yasumune Morishige [voice]
岡川玲央 Leo Okagawa [electronics]

18 August (sun) 8pm solo
大上流一 Riuichi Daijo [guitar]

20 August (tue) 8pm duo
森定道広 Michihiro Morisada [bass]
与之乃 Yoshino [biwa]

27 August (tue) 7:30pm duo/trio 

Elisabetta Lanfredini

Elisabetta Lanfredini is a singer, vocal / sound artist, 20 years experienced vocal coach , born in Italy and based in Berlin for 10 years. Voice in its broadest sense is the essence of her work that addresses oral heritage, cultural identity and migration, symbols and disruptions of contemporary society and "capitalist motherhood” at the moment at the center of her interest and first sound installation project. From her origins in Jazz, classical and traditional music of various origins, ethnomusicology, and her profound experience in experimental theater, she developed a style of modern storytelling that includes both improvised and traditional music. She fills the stage with an open performance, with elements of poetry and literature, sound poetry, spoken voices, tape recorders, sound objects and a wide range of vocal techniques never losing the voice-body connection developed through deep research. She played, recorded and collaborated with outstanding musicians in international festivals and venues.

"森重靖宗 / yasumune morishige
musician. Morishige’s musical activities center on improvisation using voice, electric bass, piano, etc. He has performed with many musicians, etc. in Japan and abroad, and also has worked as the bass player of Keiji Haino's rock band, Fushitsusha."

1st set
赤い日ル女 Akaihirume [voice]
森重靖宗 Yasumune Morishige [cello]
2nd set
赤い日ル女 Akaihirume [voice]
森重靖宗 Yasumune Morishige [voice]

エリサベッタ・ランフレディーニ Elisabetta Lanfredini [voice]
森重靖宗 Yasumune Morishige [cello]
エリサベッタ・ランフレディーニ Elisabetta Lanfredini [voice]
赤い日ル女 Akaihirume [voice]
森重靖宗 Yasumune Morishige [voice]

29 August (thu) 8pm trio
jun-b [electric bass]
中村としまる Toshimaru Nakamura [no input mixing board]
さがゆき Sagayuki [guitar, voice]

31 August (sat) 8pm duo
大上流一 Riuichi Daijo [guitar]
近藤智樹 Tomoki Kondo [voice]