all concerts/music for free improvisation.
suggested admission between 1,000 to 3,000yen.
5 May (sun) 7pm trio
Nadia Daou [time Machine/vocals/electronics/drum machine]
Paed Conca [clarinet/electronics]
森重靖宗 Yasumune Morishige [electric bass]
10 May (fri) 8pm duo 大上流一 Riuichi Daijo Riuichi Daijo 野本直輝 Naoki Nomoto
1978年生。ギタリスト。潮流や新奇性にとらわれない極めてプリミティブな音楽的アプローチで即興演奏を実践している。2004年ソロシリーズ「DEAD PAN SMILES」をPlanBで開始し、独自の作業性を追求した定点ソロコンサートを、2013年まで109回敢行。2015年に5CDbox「DEAD PAN SMILES」をファーストリリース。並びに現在まで多くのミュージシャンとの共演を重ねている。
Guitarist. born in Yokohama,Japan in 1978.
he practices improvisation with an extremely primitive musical approach that is not bound by trends or novelty.Since 2004 he had continued monthly solo concerts at PlanB Tokyo until an approach to delve into the workability of solo playing. First release of 5CDbox [DEAD PAN SMILES] in 2015. To date, he has collaborated with many musicians.
Computer / Electronics
東京をベースに活動している電子音楽家ならびにプログラマ。コンピュータやモジュラーシンセサイザーによる演奏や制作を行う。坂田律子との fuelphonic や Wracked And Ruined との Non Musica Elettronica Gruppo などのユニットでも活動。2021年 SUPERPANG より “Synthesis performed by anonymous performers at Ideala” をリリース。
Computer / Electronics
Naoki Nomoto is a electronic musician and programmer based in Tokyo, Japan. He uses a computer and a modular synthesizer for performances and production of works. “Synthesis performed by anonymous performers at Ideala” was released from SUPARPANG at 2021.
野本直輝 Naoki Nomoto [synthesizer, computer]
大上流一 Riuichi Daijo [guitar]
17 May (fri) 8pm trio
越川知尚 Tomonao Koshikawa [弦楽器、笛等、エフェクター等]
多田正美 Masami Tada [Perc、輪ゴム、枝、ピアノ線、電子機器]
今井和雄 Kazuo Imai [サウンド オブジェクト]
18 May (sat) 7pm solo
堺原拓人 Takuto Sakaibara [sax]
20 May (mon) 8pm duo/trio
阿部真武 Masatake Abe [electric bass]
ZhaoZiyi [electric bass]
大蔵雅彦 Masahiko Okura [clarinet]
24 May (fri) 8pm duo
Léo Dupleix [Virginal, a small Harpsichord]
石川高 Ko Ishikawa [笙]
25 May (sat) 8pm solos
“unplugged solos association”
山𡶜直人 Naoto Yamagishi [percussion]
大上流一 Riuichi Daijo [guitar]
近藤智樹 Tomoki Kondo [voice]
31 May (fri) 8pm duo
Tomas Nordmark [computer/electronics]
Per Hüttner [computer/electronics/EEG-synth]