all concerts/music for free improvisation.
suggested admission between 1,000 to 3,000yen.


1 June (sat) 8pm solo

Vittoria Assembri, Italy

Vittoria is an experimental sound artist and independent researcher in sonic arts and public architecture. Her sound research is about field recording, concrete and electroacoustic music, and spoken word that reflect on the theme of marginal and liminal territory, in close relationship with urban plans and its crossing (human and non-human).

Her practice focuses on site-specific deep listenings and their relationships to urban dynamics, sociocultural processes and public sphere, with which to rewrite an affective and political landscape. She also carries on a project about field recording of volcanoes.

She is resident sound artist at StationStation radio in Paris, in La Station Gare des Mines, she co-curate, with Gaia Ginevra Giorgi, the radio program Walk so silently that the bottom of your feet become ears, of Fango radio (Italy), she has published the tape RADURA by Vertical music label, Wunderscorpion by La Station Gare des Mines, ‘We hear a new world’ and ‘La lupa in fabula’ by Fango Radio edition.

She played in venues like Le Zorba (Paris,France), Hectolitre (Bruxelles, Belgium) Stendalì festival (Catania, Italy), Room of Kyros (Berlin, Germany), Tactus festival (San Marino), Amanei (Salina island,Italy), Marosi festival (Stromboli, Italy), Alle ortiche festival (Genova, Italy), La libreria (Stromboli, Italy), Binaural (Reriz, Portugal), La Station Gare Des Mines (Paris,France), Gada (Florence,Italy), Spinadello (Forlì, Italy),etc.

She has been residence at: Binaural (Portugal), Hectolitre (Bruxelles, Belgium), Amanei (Salina, Italy), La Station gare des Mines (Paris, France), Giardini Pensili (Rimini, Italy), Room of Kyros (Berlin, Germany), Atelier A (Apricale, Italy), Chiasso perduto (Florence,Italy), Neutopica (Arezzo, Italy), Punto Zero (Naples,Italy).

Vittoria Assembri [sound object, field recording, electroacoustic]

12 June (wed) 7:30pm trio
赤い日ル女 Akaihirume [voice]
森重靖宗 Yasumune Morishige [voice]
小林七生 Nanao Kobayashi [drums]

14 June (fri) 7:30pm duo
細田茂美 Shigeyoshi Hosoda [electric guitar]
森重靖宗 Yasumune Morishige [electric guitar]

15 June (sat) 8pm duo
ヒグチケイコ Keiko Higuchi [voice]
堺原拓人 Takuto Sakaibara [sax]

16 June (sun) 8pm duo
Bryan Day [Sound Sculpture]
Philip Gayle [acoustic guitar]

22 June (sat) 7pm duo
堺原拓人 Takuto Sakaibara [sax]
岡川玲央 Leo Okagawa [electronics]

23 June (sun) 7pm solos
“unplugged solos association”
マクイーン時田深山 Miyama McQueen-Tokita [箏]
溜終一致 Shoe-witch Tamaru [acoustic bass]
堺原拓人 Takuto Sakaibara [sax]

28 June (fri) 8pm tbd
秋山徹次 Tetuzi Akiyama [guitar]
セレスト・ガティエ Céleste Gatier [fragile electronics]
鈴木彩文 Ayami Suzuki [voice]

30 June (sun) 7pm trio
大上流一 Riuichi Daijo [guitar]
野本直輝 Naoki Nomoto [computer]
アキオ・ジェイムス Akio James [drums]